Want to know how to include children in school through computer games and game mechanics? We conclude the School at Play project with two conferences – one in Aalborg, and one in Copenhagen. https://www.erap.aau.dk/event/index.php/SSiS2017
Want to know how to include children in school through computer games and game mechanics? We conclude the School at Play project with two conferences – one in Aalborg, and one in Copenhagen. https://www.erap.aau.dk/event/index.php/SSiS2017
If you plan to write a research paper on games and literacy, you should strongly consider submitting it to this Mini-Track at ECGBL 2017 hosted by CEAGAR member Thorkild Hanghøj! Please share the link with your network. Deadline for abstract is March 16.
Hope to see you at ECGBL 2017 :-). Link: ECGBL17-MT-TH-Literacy
Watch Associate Professor Anthony Lewis Brooks present his thoughts on gaming and disabled people here.
by Anders Drachen
Here we introduce the idea of using heuristics models in predictive mobile game analytics. Heuristics models are simple rules-sets that we construct based on machine learning-driven analysis, but which once developed can be fielded inside a game client. Heuristics models thus address part of the problem of enabling small companies to access frugal but effective prediction models that are easy to understand, deploy and scale, but also indicates that a large component of prediction can be handled directly in the game client.
Sammen med Vallekilde Højskole arrangerer CEAGAR et gratis seminar om at bruge analoge spil i undervisningen d. 29.11 kl. 10-18. Læs mere i programmet, hvor der er også er link til tilmelding.
Tillmelding for fremvisning af spil: http://tinyurl.com/spilfremvisning
Upcoming conferences:
Call for Papers for a Special Session on Game Data Science (GDS 2016)
Conference – Montreal, Canada October 17-19, 2016
Please read more here: http://gamedatascience.org/
(DSAA 2016 / The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics)
Game Scope research conference at Aalborg University, Aalborg Campus, Northern Denmark on August 26th, 2016.
The conference is coordinated with the rest of the first Game Scope festival featuring Game City Aalborg. Other partners are The Center for Applied Game Research (CEAGAR) and Center for Interactive Digital Media and Experience Design (InDiMedia), both Aalborg University.
CEAGAR Guest Lecturer: Sebastian Deterding / 15th of April 2016: 10-11
Alborg University, Copenhagen. ROOM: ACM auditorium.
Title: Outside the Box: Toward an Ecology of Gaming Enjoyment
Gamification is a debated catchword in applied games. Instead of building full-fledged games, it embeds design elements from games in other, non-play contexts to make them just as motivating and engaging as games. In this, gamification – like much of contemporary game research – is thinking “inside the box”: Narrowly focused on the game as an object, it ignores how much the enjoyment of gameplay depends on the interaction of game object and play context. Drawing on his current research, Sebastian Deterding will outline three such socio-material dynamics underlying gameplay enjoyment, and how to translate them into formats useful for designers.Sebastian Deterding is a researcher and designer working on gameful and playful experiences for human flourishing. He is a reader at the Digital Creativity Hub at the University of York, organizer of the Gamification Research Network, and co-editor of “The Gameful World” (MIT Press, 2015). With the international design agencies Hubbub and coding conduct, he has created engaging experiences touching millions of users for clients including the BBC, BMW, Deutsche Telekom, Greenpeace, KLM, Novartis, and numerous startups. An internationally sought-after speaker, he has been invited to speak and keynote at venues like Lift, Interaction, GDC, Games Learning Society, Web Directions, Playful, Google, IDEO, and Microsoft Research. He lives online at http://codingconduct.cc.
Please sign up for participation via the following link: https://goo.gl/OTYSKp