Researcher: Hendrik Purwins

Foto Hendrik Purwins CEAGAR_ver2
Hendrik Purwins, Assistant Professor, The Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Sound & Music Computing, Aalborg University.


Before joining AAU in Copenhagen as Assistant Prof. in 2013, Hendrik Purwins has been researcher at Neurotechnology Group Berlin Institute of Technology/Berlin Brain Computer Interface where  he worked on the discovery of neural correlates of music and 3D vision. Before he was lecturer at the Music Technology Group at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. He has also been head of research and development at PMC Technologies. Hendrik Purwins has been visiting researcher at Perception and Sound Design Team, IRCAM, CCRMA, Stanford, Auditory Lab, McGill, and visiting professor at UPF. He has obtained his PhD “Profiles of Pitch Classes” at the Neural Information Processing Group at Berlin University of Technology, receiving a scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (by then only awarded to the 0.5 % best students in Germany). Before that Hendrik Purwins studied mathematics at Bonn and Muenster University, completing a diploma in pure mathematics (all grades ‘A’). Starting with playing the violin at age of 7, he has played several string quartet and orchestra concerts during his mandatory military service with the professional German head quarters chamber orchestra. Hendrik Purwins has (co-)authored 70 scientific papers mainly on incremental and online learning of statistical musical representation/expectation/generation, neural correlates of music and 3D (tele)vision, sound and music visualization, sound texture synthesis, sparse coding for sound/music representation/recognition/resynthesis, adaptive machine learning methods for sound design and games, failure prediction in semi conductor production, and mobile sound interaction for children.

More information and contact: Hendrik Purwins, AAU.

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