Cumhur Erkut, Dr. Sc. (Tech), Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Section Medialogy, Aalborg University in Copenhagen.
Physics-based sound synthesis, Game Sound, Procedural Audio, Augmented Reality Audio, Virtual Reality Audio, Interactive Sonification.
Bio: Cumhur Erkut (M.Sc. 1997, D.Sc. 2002) has received a PhD in acoustics and audio signal processing from Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. He currently applies his expertise in physics-based digital sound synthesis on sonic interaction design, rhythmic interactions, product sound design, mobile audio programming, and game audio, by combining the theory and the methods of human computer interaction and audio signal processing. Dr. Erkut has about 65 peer-reviewed publications and three international patents.
More information and contact: Cumhur Erkut, AAU.