Researcher: Charlotte Lærke Weitze

Foto Charlotte Lærke Weitze CEAGAR_ver2
Charlotte Lærke Weitze, PhD-fellow,
Department of Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University, in Copenhagen, ILD: Research Lab on IT and Learning Design. 

Learning game design, game design models, Students as learning game designers, constructionism, PBL, students as learning designers, motivation in learning processes.

Charlotte Lærke Weitze is Doctoral student at ILD-lab: IT and learning design at Aalborg University in Copenhagen. Charlotte Weitze is a trained pianist from The Royal Danish Conservatory of Music and has worked 15 years as piano teacher.  In 2011 she finished her M.SC. from the IT University of Copenhagen, focusing on digital design and communication. In the master’s thesis she developed a model of how to develop motivating and engaging learning games as well as a concept for a music learning game, which she has described in the article: The Smiley model—Concept Model for Designing Engaging and Motivating Games for Learning. She is interested in design of learning games—both professional design of learning games, as well as learners’ design of games as a way to become subject experts. Her recent research project is about creating an overall gamified learning design (big Game) that facilitates the learning process for adult and young students by inviting them to be their own learning designers through designing digital learning games (small games) in cross-disciplinary subject matters. The project focuses on creating and measuring motivational learning processes, investigating what elements and processes can help facilitate deep learning processes. Another focus is how to support the teacher in this new learning environment in order to create motivating learning processes at high levels of cognitive complexity.

More information and contact: Charlotte Lærke Weitze, AAU.

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